Blue Cuckoo is a fun twist on the ever-loved Marans breed. They exhibit all your typical Marans characteristics, a broad, V-shaped body, tall statures, good foraging, and dark brown eggs. But they always showcase featureful bluish-gray feathers with irregular white stripes on them, known as such. Blue Cuckoo Marans will be a mix of clean and feather-legged chicks.
Note: Between April 1st and October 1st, Mt. Healthy Hatcheries has a minimum shipping requirement of 3 birds (instead of the usual 10). If you order 3 chicks to ship outside of April 1st - October 1st, the order may be delayed or shipped with cockerels for warmth, as decided by Mt. Healthy Hatcheries.
Blue Cuckoo Marans produces 225 Dark Brown eggs per year.