Buff Brahma

A stately bird is known for its exceptional winter performance due to its small rose comb, dense feathering, and feathered shanks and toes. Between their unruffled attitude and beautiful buff feathers edged in black on the neck, wings, and tail; they are a perfect backyard bird.

Shipping Minimums: April 1 – October 1: Minimum order of 3 birds to ship. October 2 – March 31: Minimum order of 10 birds to ship. If you order fewer than 10 birds in the colder months, we WILL delay your order.

Buff Brahma produces 200 Brown eggs per year.
1 - 24$6.20$9.50$7.75
25 - 49$4.95$7.10$5.90
50 - 99$4.20$6.10$4.70
Chickens require a minimum quantity of 3 to ship, you may mix breeds of the same species.
Please understand every effort will be made to accommodate the ship date requested. If for some reason this is not possible you will be notified, and we will book for the next available date.
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