Dark Brahma

Unlike other Brahmas, the color pattern of the Dark Brahma depends on the sex of the bird. Roosters are typically black and silver while hens sport a beautiful silver-penciled plumage. Like all Brahmas, Dark Brahmas have feathered shanks and toes. These brown egg layers have a very calm temperament making them a popular choice for pets.

Note: Between April 1st and October 1st, Mt. Healthy Hatcheries has a minimum shipping requirement of 3 birds (instead of the usual 10). If you order 3 chicks to ship outside of April 1st - October 1st, the order may be delayed or shipped with cockerels for warmth, as decided by Mt. Healthy Hatcheries.

Dark Brahma produces 170 Brown eggs per year.
1 - 24$6.20$9.50$7.75
25 - 49$4.95$7.10$5.90
50 - 99$4.20$6.10$4.70
Chickens require a minimum quantity of 3 to ship, you may mix breeds of the same species.
Please understand every effort will be made to accommodate the ship date requested. If for some reason this is not possible you will be notified, and we will book for the next available date.
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